Max For Live Ableton Mac


  1. Max For Live Ableton Mac Free
  2. Ableton Live 10 Mac
I've installed Live 8.22 and max for live... now when I download devices and would like to import them. Where should I place them? Is there an area setup with the live/mfl installation where they would best fit so they show up when Ableton is launched.
Max For Live Ableton Mac
any help would be greatly appreciated

Max For Live Ableton Mac Free

  • It looks to me like /Library/Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/Audio Effects/(Max Audio Effects/
    Or /Library/Application Support/Ableton/Library/Presets/MIDI Effects/(Max MIDI Effects/
    At least this is where all of the patches I've created reside, this way they will apear under your live devices in either /Audio effect/Max Audio Effect/ of /MIDI Effect/Max MIDI Effect/ in Live.
  • I guess my problem is trying to get the devices into abelton. I thought I would have to find the correct directories and put them in there.
    Mucking around I've found that I can drag those devices with the *.amxd extension into the browser within Ableton... but others like mlr with *.mxb extensions don't allow for this.
    There may be documentation so where but with so much information out there in the max 4 live world... none of it seems to float to the surface, & the website is a nest of imbedded links.
  • ok... I think I'm on to it... some have installers other do not. Forgive my blathering :)
  • My solution to this was to create an empty M4l patch within ableton and copy the contents of a max patch into it, let me know if you've found a workaround.
  • As you mentioned yourself your mileage may vary ;-)
    I don't like risking to pollute my library and I don't like using installers either (so always skip those). IMO M4L patches should be able to be 'self containing' (to some extend) by freezing them.
    I keep 2 places around for M4L patches which I download; a M4L directory where I keep the rest of my projects (so; accessible by using one of Live's browsers) and those I want to keep are eventually placed in my 'material' directory (the place where I keep my library, some downloaded livepacks, my samples, etc.).
    So I don't put anything in my library when I don't have to (Henke's Granulator is obviously an exception), only my own patches are being stored there.
    And since you can easily drag/drop patches using the browsers I also don't see any need to put them in the library itself.
  • .mxb is the old (Max 4) extension for a Max patcher in binary format, not a Max for Live device.
    As said, your best bet is to open the .mxb in Max and paste its contents into a new device within Max for Live.
  • The best route is to simply drag your max for live device file onto a track and in the device windows upper right corner left click the disk to save , then click enter as the name is highlighted and created in the browser and Ableton will place it in it's respective Max For Live midi, audio, or instrument subsections accessible through the Ableton browser.
  • Why are there so many variable answers? There should be a defecto standard.. No? Mac user / Yosemite. Annoyingly confused.
  • Pretty old post but for any future passers-by...I drag mine from the download folder into User Library / Presets / Audio Effects / Max Audio Effect folder. I have an Imported folder there already (not sure if I created this previously) so I used that. This is in Live 9.6 2016-01-22 32-bit on Windows 10 1511 Build 10586.218. The files in the Imported folder are AMXD files. In the parent folder of Max Audio Effect there are ADV files.

Ableton Live 10 Mac

Open Live's Preferences → Licenses/Maintenance. Click 'Authorize at'. Follow the prompts to complete authorization. Once authorized, Max for Live appears in Live's Preferences → File Folder. Test by opening a Max for Live device. If needed you can install an unbundled version of Max for Live. Note: If you upgraded from Live 9 to. I like the device alot and had similar functionality using racks and a bunch of ableton devices, but this is much more elegant and easier to use. Another issue you may want to address: When using the Random function (only 'tested' this with the Major/minor random button), one must be. Max for Live is a platform to build your own instruments and effects, tools for live performance and visuals, and much more. You can open up any of Live’s Max devices, see how they’re built, and change them to meet your needs. You can build your own from scratch using the same components. Ableton Live Tutorial: Audio setup (Mac) If you simply want to use the built-in sound card, the process is pretty straight forward and you can skip the first two steps. If you have an audio interface, read on as there's a little more to take care of.